
last updated - Oct. 2021

Xiao Quan is a software engineer, audio engineer, and interdisciplinary technical artist who strives to create highly visceral and emotional experiences. He is currently working in the intersection of augmented reality and sound design, making creative and practical applications in the iOS development framework using XCode, ARKit, Reality Composer, Lens Studio, Unity3D, and other 3D tools.


He is a classically trained violinist and a judo practitioner. He has been curiously finding the intricate connections between composition, programming, performance, and storytelling in various mediums, such as theater, sound design, videography, and games.


He believes that, from a creative point of view, there is no significant distinction between performing on stage, and editing, recording, or programming with a computer. They all share the same level of engagement and passion. 

Xiao graduated from NYU's Tisch School of Art with a BFA in theater and a minor in psychology. He is currently pursuing a Master of Music Degree at the Music Technology program at NYU, as well as a Master of Computer Science degree at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

Besides working freelance in music, photo, and video, Xiao is a line producer at NYC-based ZZYW Studio (https://www.powernapstudio.com) and Sound Producer at Axis Studio (https://caoyuxi.com/)


Sinovision’s 30 minute interview on my experience as an performing artist in New York’s experimental theater scene.

Sinovision’s 30 minute interview on my experience as an performing artist in New York’s experimental theater scene.

Sinovision coverage of NYU China House’s ‘See China through the Lens’ Exhibition

NYTimes cover of Theater Mitu and MITU 580

NYTimes cover of Theater Mitu and MITU 580

USChinaPress Report.jpg
Photo: Yang Wang

Photo: Yang Wang

Photo Credit: Karen Littlewood

Photo Credit: Karen Littlewood