Bach's 'Chaconne' at the German Consulate
Dance/Violin performance with Esther Siddiquie and Kristen Foote, at the German Consulate in NYC.
Passagalia - IWDC
Violin - Xiao Quan
Music - ‘Passagalia’ by Joseph Von Bieber
Dance - Indah Walsh Dance Company

Homespun(Please Remove Your Shoes) @ Lawrence University
Host, dancer and violinist in Indah Walsh Dance Company’s show ‘Homespun(Please Remove Your Shoes)’

RDFZ Pvt Party
Collaboration with James Cao Yuxi’s immersive projection piece: ‘Mo墨’
Solo violin performer. April, 2018

Collaboration with new media artist James Cao Yuxi at the UNCOMPRESSED audio-visual performance in February, 2018 at 3LD Art and Technology Center.
Solo violin performer. February, 2018